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World of aliens- The Dark Ages

Monday, August 28, 2017

The Truth About Easter and the Secret Worship of the Anunnaki

Easter is an annual birthday party found all through the Christian global. However, there are without a doubt no verses in the Bible that authorize or advise the maintaining of this culture.

Further – the Bible does now not mention whatever approximately Easter eggs, Easter baskets, Easter bunnies, or even Lent. The writer includes convincing evidence to show that these very items had been elements of the pagan rituals of the Mystery Religion of historic Babylon.

Where did the tradition of celebrating Easter originate? 
Easter - Anunnaki Connections

The name Easter clearly comes from Ishtar / Easter who was worshiped because the moon goddess, the goddess of spring and fertility, and the Queen of Heaven. She is understood by means of such a lot of other names in different international locations and cultures that she is regularly called the goddess of one thousand names.

[Inanna is the Sumerian name of Ishtar, and definitely the most important one. Inanna was the granddaughter of Enlil, who in turn was Anu's son. Anu was the highest ranking Anunnaki and his name translated "Great Sky Father". Anu was revered as 'god of the Heavens' and he was the central figure of mankind's first religion. According to the Sumerian tablets, he only visited Earth twice].

The Babylonian Connections
(John eight:forty four, II Corinthians 11:14, 1 Peter five:8) Ishtar – the Babylonian goddess – is the only for whom Easter is named. Ishtar is but some other call for Semiramis – the spouse of Nimrod. This post-Flood competition changed into part of the fake religion Mystery Babylon and changed into commenced by way of Nimrod and his wife Semiramis (additionally referred to as Ishtar).

They no longer simplest instituted the building of the Tower of Babel, additionally they hooked up themselves as god and goddess to be worshiped with the aid of the humans of Babylon. They are the co-founders of all of the counterfeit religions that have ever existed.

Nimrod was worshiped because the Sun God. He become worshiped in severa cultures and countries beneath a diffusion of names: Samas, Attis, Uti, Merodach/Marduk, Ninus, Bel/Baal, Moloch, Tammuz - the listing is surely infinite. [He was also known as Dumuzi by the Sumerians and as RA by the Egyptians, as I have detailed in this article].

Millions of human beings are unknowingly worshiping and praying to this pagan goddess nowadays. What is her gift-day name?

The Babylonians celebrated the day of Ishtar / Easter as the return of the goddess of Spring – the re-start or reincarnation of Nature and the goddess of Nature. Babylonian legend says that each year a large egg would fall from heaven and could land inside the place across the Euphrates River.

[The pope's ceremonial clothes copy those worn by the ancient priests of Dagon, and not by coincidence. According to the Sumerian tablets, when the Anunnaki god Enki first arrived on Earth, he landed his space ship on water. He later emerged from water wearing his 'scaly fish-suit' (astronaut's suit?). Thousands of years later, the ceremony of the fish god was still celebrated in Akkadia, Assyria and Babylon, by the priests of Dagon... And seemingly it still is today].

In her every year re-start, Ishtar could break out of this egg and if any of those celebrating this event passed off to discover her egg, Ishtar could bestow a special blessing on that character. Does this provide an explanation for the origin of our current-day tradition of Easter eggs and baskets and Easter egg hunts?

Other pagan rites that had been connected with this birthday party and which are part of our cutting-edge Easter tradition are Easter offerings to the Queen of Heaven (along with freshly cut plant life, warm buns adorned with crosses, and big name-fashioned desserts); new clothes to have a good time this competition (The pagan clergymen wore new clothes or robes and the Vestal Virgins wore new white clothes or gowns and bonnets on their heads.); and sunrise offerings (to symbolically hasten the every year arrival of Ishtar’s egg from heaven - the re-incarnation of the spring goddess).

[The Vatican is secretly perpetuating the ancient pagan rituals and the worship of their ancient "gods" - a.K.A. The Anunnaki. The shadow religion of the world's "elite" is Satanism and all the positions of power are occupied by Satanists].
The Satanic Connections
Easter has its origins in the international of the occult. The Occult / Satanic calender is produced from 4 durations of thirteen weeks every. Occultists accept as true with that numbers contain inherent energy, and many base their lives on numerology. Numerology is also a key issue of astrology – any other machine occultists follow carefully. Thus the occult calendar is divided into 4 components of thirteen weeks each. Note that 13 x 4 = 52 weeks – our year.

In the occult machine, the quantity 6 = guy, the wide variety 7 = divine perfection or god, and the number 13 = rebellion against authority and depravity. So, within the occult or satanic international, the number 13 represents the state of guy’s having reached divine perfection, self-accomplished perfection, and illumination.

According to eighth century scholar St. Bede (also known as the Venerable Bede / Bede, the Venerable), the call Easter is derived from the Scandinavian "Ostra" and the Teutonic "Ostern" or "Eastre" - both of whom have been goddesses of mythology and were recognized with spring and fertility.

Festivals for these goddesses were celebrated on the primary day of the vernal equinox – March 21. Important components of these pagan celebrations blanketed the rabbit, red eggs, and gifts – all of which represented fertility. Easter is steeped in the Mysteries of historic Babylon – an evil and idolatrous machine.
The Satanic Ritual of Sacrificing Children
Every yr, the monks of Ishtar might impregnate younger virgins on an altar devoted to herself and her husband*. The youngsters had been born on Christmas (!!!), and the subsequent yr they had been sacrificed within the Easter's Sunday at the dawn service. The monks would take Ishtar's eggs and dye them within the blood of the sacrificed youngsters.

*Inanna's husband turned into none different that the notorious god Moloch or Melekh, to whom youngsters had been - and nevertheless are - sacrificed in Satanic rituals. Satanism is the religious worship of the Anunnaki, and the human and animal sacrifices had been/are part of the rituals.

If you are locating it tough to consider, then right here is an excerpt of the Encyclopaedia Judaica, which identifies Ishtar/Inanna and her husband as the gods to whom children had been sacrificed:
"(...) The identification of Hadad-Baal with Moloch provides the background to Jeremiah 32:35, which fulminates in opposition to the bamot-altars of Baal within the valley of Ben-Hinnom in which male and female kids had been burnt to Moloch, i.E., Baal-Hadad. Furthermore, a series of Assyrian-Aramean files analyzed by using K. Deller showed that Adadmilki or Adadšarru ("Adad the king") became truely the god to whom children, on occasion firstborn, have been burned (see underneath).

"The Assyrian cloth sheds new mild on II Kings 17 in which Adadmelech (to be study as opposed to Adrammelech) is the god to whom the Sepharvites burn/commit their youngsters (verse 31). Adadmelech in this verse stands subsequent to Anammelech who has been efficaciously associated by scholars to Anath who bears the name 'Queen of Heaven,' the usual time period for Ishtar in Akkadian (šarrat šamê; cf. Sumerian nin.Anna.Ak = Inanna). The pair Adad and Ishtar, or the 'king' and the 'queen,' are those to whom children are dedicated in the Assyrian-Aramean files quoted above." - The Cult of Moloch, Jewish Library;

The following photo changed into secretly taken in the course of a Satanic ritual wherein a human frame (child?) was burned in the front of a wooden owl statue dedicated to Ishtar/Inanna/Moloch, at Bohemian Grove:

Most of the sector's "elite" (energetic and previous Presidents, Prime Ministers, Politicians, Judges, etc. And even Royalty), take part at this annual ritual. Notice the fish-god clergymen engaging in the ritual.

Here is a depiction of Ishtar/Inanna flanked by multiple owls, and designed to seem like an owl herself (be aware the legs and wings):

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